Know Your Monstera - The Hole Family

Know Your Monstera - The Hole Family

With the Houseplant world going ga-ga over with the mesmerizing Monstera plant, it just might be time for you to get yourself these eye-catching plants for your indoors! Beautifully fenestered and magnificent in appearance, Monstera certainly has dominated the indoor decor faster than anticipated.

"Monsteras are often mislabeled in nurseries and garden stores because monstera leaves grow and change so much over their life span. A young plant might look completely different from its mature counterparts and actually look like a completely different species!"

But, did you know that Monstera comes in a plethora of shapes, sizes, and hole configurations? Though you might be able to snag a few varieties from your local and online nurseries, throughout the world, there are 48 different types of Monstera varieties, some more famous and some rarer than the others. 

Wanna have a look at the Monstera varieties at a glance?

That being said, let's check out the most popular varieties of this plant and you just might find the right one for you!

1. Monstera Deliciosa

Did you know the plant is called “Deliciosa” because this plant produces Mexican breadfruit.

Literally the most popular houseplant around and a plant enthusiast's favourite, you simply cannot go wrong when it comes to this plant. With its gorgeous, huge leaves with pattered holes on them, Monstera Deliciosa is high on appearance and low on maintenance. What's more! This plant is one of the least finicky plant around and once you understand the light and water requirement, it is one happy houseplant without much fuss.

Looking forward to add a pretty Monstera to your collection? Check out the beautiful Monstera Deliciosa below!


2. Monstera Adansonii

Another low maintenance variety of Monstera is the Adansonii variety. low-maintenance. Monstera Deliciosa, the holes in the Monstera Adansonii leaves take up about 50% of the leaf surface giving off an exquisite look. The leaves are thinner and rougher in appearance, marking its characteristic aura. These plants love humid conditions, so make sure you mist them well for them to vine out happy and long!

Obsessed already? We totally relate! Get your beautiful Monstera Adansonii plant below!


Monstera Adansonii and Monstera Obliqua are tad similar in appearance, but the Obliqua variety is rare to find. So if you are at a nursery store and the seller is mentioning the plant as Monstera Obliqua, there is 90% chance you are just looking at an Adansonii plant.

3. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma or “Mini Monstera”

Okay, so this is a cheat plant. Yes yes we know, it's not fair, but can you deny just how pretty it looks! As you can see the name, this is not true Monstera, but the leaves have the characteristic look of the Monstera plants. If you are overwhelmed with the care maintenance of the Monsteras but still want a plant that looks the same but minus the effort, then this is your plant! Fairly easy to keep and grow, this stunning plant is sure to adorn your shelves!

Sold on the low maintenance part? Same! Check out the Rhaphidophora plant below!

4. Monstera Borsigniana

A close variation of Monstera Deliciosa is the Borsigniana variety- so much so that a lot of nurseries sell these plants under the name of Monstera Deliciosa. An easy way to identify them is via their stems. The Borsigniana vareity do not have leaf bumps and are smaller than Deliciosa. Apart from that, they also have two neat rows of holes marking a characteristic difference between its counterpart.

If you have accidentally purchased a Monstera Borsigniana instead of Monstera Deliciosa, there is nothing to fear. They look almost the same, grows just as big, infact they grow much faster than Monstera Deliciosa and come to become a stunning addition to your home!

5. Monstera Dubia

Pretty hard to find but not entirely uncommon, these plants don't have the holey variegation as their other Monstera friends. These plants grow smaller, compact leaves with a lighter green leaf base and darker green veins. They are happy vines and grow with shorter stems. If you can find one growing up the tree bark while you're on a hike with your friends, be sure to bring a cutting back with you!

6. Monstera Albo/ Variegata

Monstera Variegata are the white splattered plants having cream-colored patches n the leaves. The Albo comes from the white shade that is splattered all across the deep green-hued leaves due to less production of chlorophyll. Growing them might not be the piece of cake and combining that with its incredibly high demand, if you do find it, then it will cost you. 

Due to its high demand, most nurseries across the world prefer selling cuttings rather than a full-grown mature plant as a grown plant might go up to $1000! And if you get lucky, your regular Monstera, might over time, develop an Albo variegation, but the chances of that are about 1 in 10,000. Pretty rare, right?

7. Monstera Obliqua

Coming to rare, this just might be the rarest Monstera around. Remember when we said that you might be sold a Monstera Adansonii instead of a Monstera Obliqua? That's because it has been spotted only 17 times in the wild and is extremely rare to impossible to find in your local nurseries. Mostly available in botanical gardens, this plant has more holes than leaves! About 90% of the leaf surface is holes, making it an incredibly delicate plant with paper-thin leaves.

Now that you know the common to rare Monsteras, it is time to take the leap of faith and get yourself a pretty variety. Don't stress too much about the care. It is true that these plants might need more attention than your regular Palms and Fiddles, but once you get a hang of the maintenance pointers, they are pretty easy to keep. Go right ahead, and showcase your amazing plant to your friends!

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